About us

Let's turn mental health into a lifestyle.

What's behind the Mental Health Training Club.

One in three 18 to 34 year olds report feeling depressed. So why isn't there a gym to train our mental health? After all, we don't wait for a heart attack to get on a treadmill.

Janina Pölking and Marina Jozinovic founded clay in April 2021. clay's mission is to provide Millennials and Gen Z with a platform to preventively protect themselves from mental illness and better manage personal crises.

Adapted to your individual needs & never alone. Our goal: to create a mental health platform that adapts to you and your progress - with real psychologists and a community that motivates you to stay on track.

Giving therapy a new image.

clay makes insights & exercises from psychology practice easily accessible - train no matter where and at any time. We give our members the opportunity to understand their behavior patterns and emotions in detail.

We take care of everything that makes up the mental well-being of our generation.

One-Size-Fits-All does not work for our mind.

clay's training plans are individually tailored to your needs. With our club workshops and free 1:1 coaching sessions, we offer you the opportunity to learn and get feedback from experts and peers.